Lifestyle Modification Nursing Intervention For Patients With Substance Use Disorder
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Background: Substance use disorder is a chronic disease. Managing it after rehabilitation requires lifestyle changes, regular therapist visits and, from time to time, changes in treatment plan, Lifestyle typically reflects an individual's attitudes, way of life, values, or world view. Therefore Lifestyle is the key ingredients that make up a person’s health and wellbeing, including (but not limited to) relationships, employment status and accommodation.
Aim: This study aimed to develop a Lifestyle modification nursing intervention for modifying the lifestyle of patients with substance use disorder.
Design: A quasi-experimental design (one group pre/posttest) was used to achieve the aim of this study.
Setting: The study was conducted in the out-patient addiction clinic at Al- abbasia Mental Health Hospital.
Subject: A purposive sample of 50 adult patients.
Tools of data collection: 1) A structured interview questionnaire 2) Semi-structured interview for the brief psychiatric rating scale 3) The substance use disorder patients' lifestyle questionnaire.
Results: The results of this study showed there was significant difference in the post test after implementation of the lifestyle modification nursing intervention compared to the pretest where the mean score of pretest was 157.98 ±8.91and for posttest was 261.68 ± 4.79.
Conclusion: The current study concluded Lifestyle modification nursing intervention on patients with substance use disorder had positive effect on Patients with substance use disorder.
Recommendations: The current study recommended that, setup educational training programs for addiction nurses to recognize the healthy lifestyle, lifestyle modification program for patient with substance use disorder.