The Moderate Nature Of Islamic Shari’ah And Social Impacts Of Religious Asceticism On A Society

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Dr. Mumtaz Ahmad Jasvi , Irshad ul Hassan Ibrar , Sayed Alam Jmal Abdussalam Hsham , Naseer Ahmad Akhtar , Dr. Malik Kamran , Zoha Fatima , Hafiz Abubakar Usman


The basic purpose of Islamic Shari’ah is, to unburden the human being. That’s why, Islam advises only balanced kind of worship. Its every commandment is easy approachable for a common person. This study is to elaborate the moderate nature of Islamic Shari’ah even in ascetical activities. In Islam, different ascetical activities are practiced. But no extreme level of any ritual practice is allowed to Muslims. On one’s character, Islamic asceticism affects in different ways. Some people also practice borrowed (anti-social or un-natural) ascetical practices to get some spiritual ends. This study also reveals the outcomes of ascetical activities practiced my Muslims. After studying the ascetical aspect of Islam, it was felt that the activities under Islamic asceticism need to be elaborated. The main objective of this study is to separate the Islamic and un-Islamic ascetical activities. The research question for this study is, How Islamic asceticism impacts on a society socially? A descriptive research method has been used for this study.

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