Importance Of Early Childhood Education And Its Perspective In Islam
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This research was conducted to explore the Importance of Early Childhood Education and Importance of Education in Islam. Design of this research was quantitative in nature. Sample of Study was 383 teachers teaching in education department of Punjab. Data was collected with the help of google form. Data was analyzed using SPSS 21. Early childhood education enhances STEM and analytical ability, motivation and attention, social skills, academic performance, and enjoyment in a loving and safe environment. STEM education should start early. Muslims believe Allah is the wise and true. Education is obligatory in Islam. Qur'an Majeed instructs Muslims, "Allah will raise those who believe and have knowledge." The Qur'an urges people to develop their abilities and traits through education. The educational study indicates that a child's primary skills have a philosophical impression on their improvement and in later stages of his life, various norms comes to contact in the form of positive and negative response. Learning during the first days of life is like “"آلنقش علی الحجر. On the commencement of the youngster's life, significant Islamic thinking in the student's mind is imperative because the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) says: کل مولود یولد علی الفطرہ و انما ابواہ یھودانہ او ینصرانہ او یمجسانہ" “
“Every child is born from the original character of man, then his parents make him a Christian, Jew, Muslim or magician ". The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon Him) valued education exclusively at early age of life. There is a need to launch campaigns to highlight the importance and significance of ECE in Pakistan.