Disposition Towards Critical Thinking In University Students Considering The Professional Areas And The Sex Of The Participants*
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The disposition towards critical thinking in students from various professional areas, men and women from state and private universities of Metropolitan Lima, was compared. The participants were 1439 university students obtained through a non-probabilistic sampling procedure by quotas. Once the institutions to be included in the study were selected, the proportion of students by professional area and sex was established, maintaining the proportion of the population and subsequently the participants were chosen. The instrument used was the Scale of Disposition towards Critical Thinking and it was applied according to the Helsinki declaration. A comparative 2x5 factorial analysis of variance design was used. In the results it is observed that there are only statistically significant differences in maturity to formulate judgments between students of state and private universities of Metropolitan Lima considering the various professional areas. No significant differences were found in the disposition towards critical thinking between students of state and private universities considering the sex of the participants.