The Effectiveness Of The Competency Based E-Training Model In Software Development In Accordance With The National Board Of Professional Certification Standards

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Syahtriatna Djusar , Jalius Jama , Fahmi Rizal , Ambiyar


The development resulting from this research is an E-training model and will be useful for Asesi candidates who want to take a competency test for the Programming Sub-Sector Software Development in accordance with competency test standards from the National Professional Certification Agency. The resulting E-Training model can be used for other competency test areas. Training applications that use the E-Training Model will overcome the problems of Asesi candidates in preparing for the competency test. This research expands and develops a model of E-Training or E-Learning that already exists and is used to increase competence. This type of research is included in Research and Development research, known as Research And Development (R&D). To see the effectiveness of the product, experimental trials were carried out, using the One-Group Pretest-Postest Design, at the level of understanding of the participants using an observation sheet in the form of an assessment rubric. In the effectiveness of the model, it can also be seen that the activity of the Asesi candidate is increasing. The results showed that there was an increase in the competence of the Asesi candidate, so the model developed for E-Training was included in the very effective category.

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