Unconventional Micro-Learning: Theory And Structure Of Microlearning Units

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Grace Hazboun Elias


This research addresses the critical problem of identifying the critical parameters and framework that can be useful in developing an educational model that addresses the education sector of children and youth who live in highly unstable life. This instability can be caused by natural risks and disasters such as the Covid-19 pandemic that appeared late 2019 and still is affecting communities at large. It could also be manmade, such as wars, high political instabilities worldwide, or deteriorating economic situations that last at least few years, causing serious impediments in the education system of a society. This research addresses the viability of using Micro Learning Technique (MLT) within a flexible learning scheme as an educational solution for students who live hardship life as refugees. Previous research (Hazboun, 2022) looked at education development in unstable student societies that enhanced the concept by looking at student community living in refugee camps in the northern part of the Palestinian territories, due to the Covid pandemic time in a place that is subjected to restrictions by military presence of an occupier. Another research (Abbasi, 2022) was carried in Jordan, examining the music education provided by the Jordanian music teaching facilities to Syrian refugee students, examining the challenges and difficulties facing them. The purpose of this research is to develop an enhanced and integrated approach to addressing the education of a particular subject, and present recommendations for a model of teaching to student communities that suffer a highly unstable life. 

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