Different Methods Of Achieving Indicators Of Quality Of Urban Life In Relation To Population Levels; Case Study: Government Housing In Cairo
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The study and measurement of quality of life are currently of global importance. In addition, one of the seventeen objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations is to address the issue of sustainable cities and communities, as well as the population's economic, social, and cultural rights. Studies in the field of quality of life, specifically quality of urban life, have focused on particular indicators such as the infrastructure quality index, roads and transportation index, and local administration index, which were measured on all different urban patterns, with no emphasis on population levels and human factors that have a direct or indirect effect. In order to determine the economic, social, and cultural level of the population, the current study applies a framework for measuring the economic, social, and cultural factors that determine population levels to four government housing areas in Cairo: Economic Housing/Helwan, Atlas Housing /Mokattam, Swissry Housing /Nasr City, and Mubarak Housing/New Cairo. The SPSS software was utilized to evaluate the study areas based on the population and factor measurements. The results indicated significant differences in the population's economic, social, and cultural levels in the selected study areas, and consequently have a significant impact on the tools for applying urban indicators of quality of life, denoting that urban indicator of quality of life vary by location.