Challenges Encountered By Saudi ESP Students: A Case Study Of Taif University
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This research aims to explore the difficulties that Saudi students encounter in their English for Specific Purposes (ESP) course. The study adopts a quantitative method and distributed 120 questionnaires among students in Applied Medical Sciences College at Taif University. The data was analyzed using SPSS. The study results showed that the materials used in the ESP classroom do not address the needs of the learners entirely, resulting in their being unsuccessful in performing their occupational roles in medical sciences. The results also showed that the productive skills were less practiced, and teachers did not give feedback to the students due to the class size. The study helps in understanding the challenges in ESP through student' 's' perspectives who study English for medical purposes. The study recommends that the ESP courses need to be redesigned with a major focus on the ESP needs of the learners integrated with modern teaching practices.