Students’ Metacognitive Levels In Mathematical Problem Solving: The Study Of Initial Mathematical Competence And Gender

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Ririn Widiyasari , Yaya S Kusumah , Elah Nurlaelah


This research work sought to seek and describe students’ metacognitive levels in mathematical problem solving discussed from their initial mathematical competence and gender. This qualitative study applied phenomenon research design which reported the phenomenon found systematically, rigorously, and deeply. The participants involved as the research subjects were three male and three female students of Mathematics major, Faculty of Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia, in the academic year of 2020/2021. These students were in initial mathematical competence of high, medium, and low levels. In collecting the data, three instruments were used; test, observation, and interview. The findings of the research showed that male and female students with high initial mathematical competence were able to solve the problem well, and able to do comprehensive evaluation towards their works so that they were classified into Reflective Use category. The male participant with medium initial mathematical competence was aware of mistake but not able yet to decide and correct that mistake, hence he was classified into Semi-strategic Use category. The female participant with medium initial mathematical competence did rechecking only after the final result was obtained and made mistake when making the conclusion, hence she was classified into Semi-reflective Use category.  The male participant with low initial mathematical competence was only aware of his weakness without knowing the solution, thus, he was classified into Aware Use category. The female participant with low initial mathematical competence did not know her weakness, did not even know what she did not know, hence she was classified into Tacit Use category. These findings revealed that students’ metacognitive levels were different based on gender and initial mathematical competence except those whose initial mathematical competence were high; both male and female students had the same metacognitive level.

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