The Importance Of The Nursing Role In Emergency Department In Health Facilities

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Sahar.S.Alzahrani , Ohood.H.Mulla , Ashgah.M.Alghamdi , Dalal.M.Alharthi ,Ahmed.M.Alghamdi , Jameel.A.Almautyri , Faisal.S.Alzahrani , Bader.A.Algoaeed,
Turki.M.Albuqami , Abdullrahman.Y.Alzahrani , Fahad.H.Alsufyani , Tala.M.Alrobai , Ahmed.G.Alharbi


The aim of this current study is to know the importance of the role of a nurse in emergency departments, what are the places in which he works, what are the certificates that qualify him to work in these places, and what are the specifications and features of the emergency nurse. A questionnaire was conducted via the Google Drive program, where it was then This was distributed through the social networking program (WhatsApp) via mobile phone, where the questionnaire was sent electronically to random samples until the number reached 500 questionnaires, and they sent it to others, and also until it was distributed to residents of the city of Mecca (men and women) between the ages of 25-55 years. 480 responses to the questionnaire were obtained, and it was taken into account not to communicate directly (due to the possibility of the presence of the Corona virus yet). Through this current study, we conclude the importance of nursing in emergency departments, as they deal with all types of patients (the elderly and critical cases), as all participants agreed on the importance of the role of nursing in emergency departments by 100% because of their extremely important role in dealing with all cases. The emergency department. When participants were asked in the questionnaire about the advantages of emergency nursing and its dealing with different races and religions with high professionalism, dealing with involuntary psychological cases, and the extent of their understanding of all other sciences, the participants answered that they believe that they are still deficient in other aspects, and therefore they saw that 60% of them are knowledgeable about all matters

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