Family Problems Ending in Divorce and their Impact on Children and Adults Psychologically, Socially and Health-Wise

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Khalid.H.Alharbi , Talal.O.Almalki , Khaleel.A.Qutub , Ahmd.M.Alzhrani , Saud.S.Alsewehri , Hassan.A.Al-lami , Mohammed.M.Alshanqiti , Khalid.S.Almalayo , Hadeel.T.Alselmi, Majed.A.Turkistani , Madwi.H.Alhusseni
Hayat.A.Hawsawi , Samah.A.Hatim , Humod.S.Alotaibi , Hussein.S.Alzahrani , Abdullah.A.Alkabi , Turki.M.Alharbi , Abdashikor.A.Alqorashi , Rayan.A.Alsulami , Aisha.J.Rawah


The goal of the current study is to know the causes of family problems that end in divorce, and the health, psychological, and social impact of divorce on children and adults. A questionnaire was created using Google Drive to design it, and then distributed to residents of the city of Mecca, aged 25-55 years. 500 questionnaires were distributed via the social media network, and responses to 480 questionnaires were obtained and analyzed using Excel 2010 and histographic graphics.

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