An Overview Healthcare Management Roles with the Physicians, Nurses, Medical Laboratory and Pharmacist to Promote Patient Saftey and Care

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Ahmed Tisser Allilie , Saud Abdu Mujamami , Hasan Mohammed Alshehri , Shafloot Mesfer Alzahrani , Faihan Omyer Alotaibi , Hamad Ahmed Alghamdi , Ayman Hassan S Abid , Thamir Mohammed A Al Qahtani
Mohamad Abdullah M Alharazi , Waheed Ayidh Mohammed AlQurashi4, Ayat Alawi Alkhabbaz , Mansour Abdrabuh Ali Alzahrani , Dahma Hokumi Jabril Alawam , Abdulmajeed Hulayyil Namay Almutairi , Khalid Abdullah Alzahrani


Through interactions with healthcare administration in community settings, nurse-pharmacists, clinical laboratories, and physicians were able to enhance disease management, prevent adverse medication events, and minimize the number of patients who required hospitalization. In the end, they led to the early detection and rectification of medication safety-related difficulties, a reduction in wait times to see general practitioners, and an improvement in the ability of individuals living in the community to manage chronic diseases on their own. For the purpose of maintaining such cooperation, particularly in community settings, it is necessary to do research in order to enhance the existing policies and organizational structures. Through interaction with both the patient and the physician, the clinical pharmacist becomes an essential member of the healthcare team and contributes to the improvement of patient care.

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