Mathematical Problem-Solving Skills and Achievement among Students with Autism and its Relationship to the Arithmetic Test of the Wechsler-4 Scale

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Dr. Hamad Abdullatif Al-Hulaibi


This study aimed to identify the mathematical problem-solving skills and achievement of (autism spectrum disorder, ASD) students and their relationship to the arithmetic test of the (Wechsler-4, WISC-4) scale through indications of the Validity and Reliability of the measures used to diagnose students with (ASD) for the age group (7-15) years. The sample of the study included (18) students with (ASD), and a scale was applied to each of the mathematical problem-solving skills (understanding the issue, developing a solution plan, implementing the solution, validating the solution) and sub-achievements (arithmetic) from the (WISC-4) scale on them.

Significances were reached for the content validity of the scales by (80%), and the skills of solving mathematical problems were tested. The value of the correlation coefficient of marks for the first dimension of understanding the issue was (0.887), developing a solution plan (0.774), implementing the solution (0.651), and verifying the validity of the solution (0.578), and achievement through the school’s reliance on some skills and questions related to mathematics, some appropriate tests for students, and the mathematics test from the Wechsler scale -4 through arithmetic inference, which indicates the validity of the mathematics test from the scale.

Significances of Reliability were attained by using the Cronbach alpha test, where the value of the coefficients for the signs of (ASD) students on the four-dimensional mathematical problem-solving skills test was (0.677), as well as achievement, which amounted to (0.807), and the mathematics test from the (WISC-4) from by re-correcting the response registration forms for eighteen marks related to the arithmetic test, which reached the value of the (WISC-4) scale. In addition, for a sample of students with (ASD) (0.791), there was no statistically significant link between mathematical problem-solving ability, achievement, and arithmetic testing on the (WISC-4) scale. And the ineffectiveness of the components of mathematical problem-solving skills and achievement among (ASD) students in the (WISC-4) arithmetic test.

The study recommends conducting more studies and research related to (ASD) and its impact on mathematics.

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