Employee Engagement and Quality Relationship Enhancing Work Performance

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Prof (Dr.) Mushtaq A. Siddiqi, Dr. Owais Ahmed


Interpersonal relationships and quality of interaction results in positive work outcomes. Corporates always specialise in eliciting organization desired behaviours and outcomes from their organizations. Employee attitudes at their respective work spheres, although, a well examined thought, however, constructs like engagement of employees, are a scant lot, as far as examination of the given construct cares . The given study is an endeavour to look at relationship between engagement of employees and quality of relationship between members and their superiors. The study has been convened across three sectors of services economy of Jammu and Kashmir, India with the likes of insurance, postal and banking. Primary method of knowledge collection was administered with having sampling population comprising of middle level management, frontline staff and visiting consumers. Structural equation modelling technique has been followed for hypothesis testing. The findings suggest significant relationship between the constructs. The study also offers valuable implications for management practioners, scholars and academicians

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