Effective Use Of Buzz Marketing For Brand Adoption And Mediating Role Of Customer Engagement Among Millennials And Centennials

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P. Vikrant kumar and Dr. Chetan Srivastava


Modern business scenario has drastically changed due to the intrusion of technology in our everyday life. Consumer behavior has drastically changed including expectations, buying process and consumption patterns. Advertisements and marketing communication have taken a backstage as an influencer of customers. So, companies are trying to use innovative ways to attract and persuade the customers to use their products and services.

Buzz marketing, viral marketing, cause related marketing are few such techniques used by the companies. Among these buzz marketing is more liberally used as it has more credibility due to involvement of family and friends through the social media. Stronger customer engagement is required for the successful buzz marketing campaign.

When it comes to customer segmentation, both millennials and centennials are influenced. This study is trying to identify how the level of engagement and intensity of use are different among Millennials and centennials.

Here in this study the data analysis is done to found that Centennials are more active in buzz as well as they create the content. Chi square test and EFA is used to identify the mediation impact of customer mediation towards brand adoption among both millennials and the centennials.

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