Indonesia’s Vision As Global Maritime Fulcrum: A Geopolitical Strategy To Address Geopolitical Shifts In Indo-Pacific

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Penny Radjendra , Makarim Wibisono , Joni Mahroza , and Zainal Abidin Shabuddin


The world geopolitical situation has changed rapidly in the last two decades, especially in the Indo Pacific region. The situation is due to political, economic and military rivalries between the United States and China. The rivalries potentially have serious political, economic and security consequences for countries in the region, including Indonesia. Therefore, it is imperative for Indonesia to recalibrate  its current geopolitical strategy to answer the challenges. The enactment of Indonesia's vision as a Global Maritime Fulcrum in 2014 can be read as the country’s effort to reposition its geopolitical strategy. This paper discusses the Global Maritime Fulcrum vision from an economic, political, and military perspective to analyze whether this vision is the proper geopolitical strategy to deal with geopolitical changes in the Indo Pacific region at present and beyond as well as the extent to which the geopolitical vision has been implemented.

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