Legal Harmony With Business Functions and Social Functions in Improving Public Service Justice in Private Hospitals in Indonesia

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Vera Dumonda , Prof. Dr. Hj. Waty Suwarty Haryono, S.H, M.H. , Dr. Megawati Barthos, S.H., M.H.


The beginning of the establishment of the hospital originated from social activities with awareness social to help each other. But the competition that competitive makes the hospital grow and develop into an institution business and lack of put forward its social functions. The problem is, why there is a disharmony of the business function and social functioning of the hospital managed by Legal entity Limited liability company in the provision of Health Services to Community and how can it be achieved Home Business Function managed by a limited liability company legal entity with prioritizing social functions in order to realize social justice community. This research is normative juridical using data secondary sourced from primary legal materials, secondary materials and materials tertiary law. Data that has been collected from various literature and information is analyzed qualitatively. The results showed social functioning hospitals are part of the inherent responsibility of each hospital, which is the moral and ethical bond of the hospital in helping patients, especially those who are less/unable to meet their needs

will health services and must be carried out specifically for the community not capable/underprivileged. Never theless there are still hospitals that are incorporated the company's law as a health service provider agency has not yet carry out social functions to the maximum and prioritize functions business rather than a special social function for deficient members of society able / unable to pay, in case of emergency and make a refusal give help. In order to harmonize between social functions hospitals and hospital business functions can be through law enforcement state administration, civil law and criminal law enforcement as a tool social engineering of hospitals that do not fulfill their social functions. It is suggested that the need for Legal Reconstruction of Article 20 Act and article 21 number 44 of 2009 concerning Hospitals also needs to be improved supervision of the implementation of the social functions of hospitals, especially hospitals private incorporated or Limited Liability Company and public law enforcement.

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