NGO Employee Motivation in India: A Case Study
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The research includes the limited number of Indian employees and investigates their affecting variables of motivation in NGO/NPO. Motivation is the skill of influencing the worker and doing desired activities in a particular manner. NGO is non-governmental organization which is non-profit formed at local, national and worldwide level. Many NGOs are tiny, and the majority have 2 to 5 staff; around 5% are between 6 and 10 workers, and just about 8.5% are non-governmental organizations that employ more than ten individuals. Questions were asked through floating of Online Forms amongst the NGO/NPO employees. Collected Data were analysed through Statistical methods such as Regression Analysis, Correlation Analysis. The constraint of the research was to have the respondents answer the question carefully and honestly. However, it included a short introduction and how honesty is vital in obtaining the correct information as the suggestion is shared with management for execution. The study provided a brief analysis of different factors affecting motivation.