Revitalization Strategy For Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises By Regional Government Banks For The Welfare Of Regional People (Case Study Of West Kalimantan Bank)
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Researchers took this topic, the strategy of revitalizing MSMEs of Bank West Kalimantan (Bank Kalbar) as a contribution to economic growth and welfare in the province of West Kalimantan. What is the strategy for revitalizing MSMEs at Bank Kalbar Who are the stakeholders (stakeholders) involved and what are their roles What is the relationship pattern? The methodology used is a mix method, namely qualitative methods, and quantitative methods. Meanwhile, to find out to what extent the success of the revitalization strategy carried out by the Bank of West Kalimantan, the researchers conducted research in a quantitative way. There were two things that were done, namely distributing questionnaires to 15 MSME entrepreneurs in the city of Pontianak, to 15 entrepreneurs in the city of Sintang. There is also a reason that only these two cities were chosen, because only those two cities were the focus of Bank Kalbar. In the two cities, the West Kalimantan bank specifically opened a Sub-Branch Bank specifically for MSME customers. This year, Bank Kalbar plans to open a special branch for MSMEs in Singkawang City and Sambas Regency. From the data obtained and analysed using the Partial Least Square – Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) method. The interesting thing is that only 14.8% of MSME performance is determined by the variables of Financial Literacy, Access to Financial Inclusion and Customer Satisfaction of MSMEs themselves, the remaining 85.2% is determined by other variables outside of this study. The Revitalization Strategy can be explored again another more decisive variable, one of which is increasing the synergy between the leadership of Bank Kalbar, namely the synergy between the Governor, Regent, and Mayor as shareholders with the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors. Relationship patterns, good communication patterns and implementation in carrying out duties at the directors and manager levels are very good, especially in carrying out the vision and mission of the President and the Vision and Mission of the Governor of West Kalimantan to improve the MSME sector.