A Study On Consumer Perception Towards SAMSUNG Smart Mobiles With Reference To Hyderabad City
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Smartphone industry has been booming since 1983.Since then, there have been many large mobile phone companies stepping their foot into the industry. Nowadays people seem to become dependent towards smart phone due to its convenience, great camera features, easy applications installations, and more importantly, it can do must of the computer functions on the go. Various internal factors, including consumers' demographics, psychographics, personalities, motivations, levels of knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and emotions, impact the buying decisions they make. Culture and subculture are examples of extraneous factors that might affect an individual's behaviour. How individuals choose to spend their time, money, and energy on items connected to consuming is a central topic in the study of consumer behaviour. It's important to think about consumers' buying decisions from every angle, including what they buy, why they buy it, when they buy it, where they buy it, how frequently they buy it, how they assess it, and how that affects their decisions to buy again or to get rid of the item altogether. We regularly consume a wide variety of goods and services, including food, clothes, housing, transportation, education, equipment, vacations, requirements, pleasures, services, and even ideas. As buyers, we have a significant impact on economies on all scales. In today's constantly-evolving industry, it's more important than ever for marketers to have a deep understanding of their target demographic. Thus, today's marketing calls for an in-depth understanding of customer habits and buying patterns.