Campus Exclusivity Conflict Against Desire People Exercising In Facilities Sports At FIK UNM Makassar

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Muh. Adnan Hudain , Jumadi , Andi Agustang , Hezron Alhim Dos Santos


The focus in this study is the social phenomenon of people using campus facilities for sports activities, Limitations on using campus facilities with rules for their use being limited to FIK UNM students, Conflicts in the community feel limited in using campus facilities which they really need in sports activities. The location of this research is in the UNM Bantabantaeng campus area and the community around the campus. The data collection techniques used in this study were in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. The validity of the data in qualitative research includes tests, credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. , the process of qualitative data analysis begins with data presentation, data reduction, data display conclusion data Based on the studies shown by the data from this development research, it can be concluded that how to manage prolonged community conflicts related to campus exclusivity in the use of sports facilities and infrastructure, namely the rules of the campus are known by the public, take a cultural approach to provide understanding to the community and cooperate with the government. local residents in educating residents regarding campus rules. The way to change people's mindsets about the function of the campus as an educational institution and achievement maker is to conduct socialization related to campus policies and provide understanding to the public about policies that support the development of educational and sports achievements in the community. The way to invite the community to learn and achieve together through the Campus Education Institution is to provide an understanding to the community about the advantages of the achievements obtained by the community itself.

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