To Promote Health Data Security in Mobile Cloud Computing By Using the Modular Encryption Protocol

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Dr.K.Sai Manoj


Cloud computing has greatly increased in recent years as computer capabilities have advanced, due to applications, services, memory, and processing over the Internet. It's employed in a wide range of fields, including medical, agriculture, business, informatics, and many more. It also encourages dynamic resource adaptability and management decoupling at a low cost. Despite the numerous evident advantages of Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) in medicine, its development is limited by worries about security and privacy. To grasp the full extent and effectiveness of such issues, fast action is required. On a global, regional, and local level, health information security is essential.To make good use of health services, it is necessary to follow the necessary security procedures to avoid security risks and vulnerabilities.As a result, the purpose of this research is to employ the Modular Encryption Standard (MES) to offer requirement-oriented medical data security based on tiered security mechanism modeling. In terms of speed and supplemental qualitative security assuring approaches, the suggested work outperforms existing generally used algorithms for health data security in the MCC environment, according to performance analysis.

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