Social Support For University Students

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Intidhar Hamzah Abbas ; Prof. Dr. Reja'a Yasin Abdullah


The current research is summarized in a basic concept which is social support. Social support represents the material and moral support that the individual receives from others around him. Research Objectives 1- Get to know Social support among university students 2-Identifying the statistically significant differences in social support according to the two variables (gender, specialization) Research Methodology:- The two researchers followed the descriptive correlative approach to extract research results and achieve goals. The research sample: The statistical analysis sample consisted of (400) male and female students from the University of Karbala from the scientific and humanitarian specializations for the academic year (2021-2022) who were chosen by a stratified random method with an equal distribution in order to verify the validity of the tools used in the research. The basic sample of the research consisted of (377). A male and female student is from the University of Karbala, morning study. To achieve the objectives of the research, the two researchers adopted the social support scale in this research (for Al-Ajam 2013), consisting of (40) paragraphs, and it was presented to a group of arbitrators and specialists and extracted the standard characteristics of it. After the end of the application, the two researchers used statistical methods that fit with the nature and objectives of the current research, as they used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The current research reached several results, including: University students enjoy a medium degree of social support; there are no statistically significant differences in social support according to Variable gender and specialization.

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