Information and Communication Technology Literacy of Community Learning Center Managers in Non-formal Education Management during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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Lutfi Wibawa, 2Entoh Tohani, Deni Hardianto, Wipsar Sunu Brams Dwandaru


This research aimed to understand the mastery of information and communication technology literacy for Community Learning Center (CLC) managers and the learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. It was carried out because ICT literacy for CLC managers is key to CLC's success in adapting and dealing with community changes caused by the pandemic, which has various impacts on education. This is an explanatory sequential mixed research design carried out on all CLCs in the D.I. Yogyakarta regions. Quantitative data collected by submitting an online questionnaire to 121 CLC managers, with only 57 returned. The collected data analyzed to determine the CLC activities using Excel software and qualitative analysis techniques. Triangulation, affirmations from informants, and expert judgments done to obtain data validity. The results showed that CLC managers had mastered ICT literacy as an instrument to adapt to the crisis, although they were still dominant in the use of ICT for learning and management. This literacy mastery is inseparable from the learning process taken by managers, both independently and collectively. Therefore, the development of ICT literacy for managers needs to be carried out based on objective needs, using ICT advancements and integrated with their main work to ensure large-scale benefits.

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