Clinicoepidemiological condition of COVID-19 patients: A single center study
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Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is one of the viruses that was first identified in Wuhan city, Hubei province, China, and is responsible for this pandemic.
Aim of the study: To describe the epidemioclinical of COCID-19 in certain areas in Baghdad Province – Iraq.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional retrospective study was conducted in the COVID-19 Ward where a record of 357 samples records COVID-19 patients chose conveniently admitted to Al-kindy Teaching Hospital during the period, First of January 2020 to the first of January 2021 were searched. The checklist questionnaire was used.
Results: The mean age of the studied subject was 53.24±14.45. Regarding sex distribution, 62.2% of patients were males and the rest were females. The main chief complaint was that 78.7% of patients had shortness of breath, 26.9% had a fever and 19.9% had a cough. 56.1% of patients aged 60 or more got a critical disease which is significantly higher than the rate of the critical condition among the 40-59years age group (32.5%) and those aged less than 40 years (19.4%), P-value=0.001.
Conclusions: This study demonstrated that COVID-19 affects mostly male patients than females at ages more than forty years. The main complaint was shortness of breath that needs hospital admission, treatment with antibiotics, steroids, and oxygen therapy ending with a high fatality rate.