The Effect Of Learning Gymnastics Skills On Non-Verbal Cognitive Abilities In Childhood

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Rama Mohammad Ismail Al-Sharksi , Dr. Aida Ahmad Al-Awamleh , Ahmad Hamdan


This study aimed at identifying the effect of learning gymnastics skills on some non-verbal cognitive abilities in childhood. The researchers adopted the descriptive approach. The study sample consists of (20) children who were chosen in a deliberate way, divided into two groups; 1st group consists of (10) gymnasts, including (7) males and (3) females, while the second group consists of (10) children who do not practice gymnastics or any other sport, including (7) males and (3) females, who were classified according to Jean Piaget’s stages of cognitive development. Leiter-3 Scale of nonverbal intelligence and cognitive abilities and Memo Scale were used. The study results indicated that the level of visual perceptual abilities of children practicing gymnastics was average for the both age groups (7-11 years) and (11-14 years) and above average for intelligence. Children practicing gymnastics in both visual perceptual abilities and intelligence index on non-practicing children. The researcher recommends the necessity of paying attention to motor activities, especially gymnastics, in the developmental stages of the child, because it has a role in developing non-verbal cognitive abilities and intelligence.

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