A Study On The Gap Analysis Between The Expectation And Perception Of Large Sized Adivasi Multipurpose Co-Operative Societies In Tamil Nadu: A Borrower Centric Analysis
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Cooperatives have had nearly 110 years of presence in the Indian economy, which by itself make us believe that cooperatives contribute substantially for the improvement of economy in general. At present formally there are 36 Scheduled Tribe communities in Tamil Nadu. At present there are 22 Large Sized Multipurpose co-operative Societies functioning in the state out of which, 2 LAMPS have started functioning from 13.11.2014 and one LAMP has started functioning from 17.12.2014.The research problem have been persuaded to accomplish the objectives analytically. This research work highlighted the gaps between the expectation and perception of LAMPS c-operative societies in Tamil nadu.
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