Language Acquisition among adults using Listening skills

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V.Moses Jayakumar


First language acquisition refers to the way children learn their native language. Second language acquisition refers to the learning of another language or languages besides the native language. Language acquisition almost always occurs in children during a period of rapid increase in brain volume. At this point in development, a child has many more neural connections than he or she will have as an adult, allowing for the child to be more able to  learn new things than he or she would be as an adult. The study of language acquisition explores the processes by which language learners (children or adults) acquire first or second languages (or more), as well as the properties of the linguistic systems that they acquire.  Second language acquisition: This is the acquisition of a second language after the mother tongue has been (largely) acquired. Usually refers to acquisition which begins after puberty, i.e. typically adult language acquisition. Sometimes replaced b y the term further language acquisition. Here, I am conducting listening tests to analyse and getting the accurate results of language acquisition among the adults. Listening audio tracks of guest lecture and dialogues will be used. Learning and understanding can be facilitated in learners by emphasizing organized, coherent bodies of knowledge (in which specific facts and details are embedded), by helping learners learn how to transfer their learning, and by helping them use what they learn. Among learners language acquisition will happen definitely, they will understand the words; accent, pronunciation, meanings and they will make sequence of words and speak well. We learn language by comparing what we hear to what we already.

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