The Effectiveness Of Family Programs In Suppressing The Population Growth Rate In The Work Area Of The Lasolo Public Health Center, North Konawe Regency
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The number of active family planning participants in North Konawe Regency in 2014 was 123,897 people and experienced a decrease in the number of acceptors in 2015 as many as 121,892 people and an increase in 2016 of 129,165 people. Until 2017, the number of active family planning acceptors again experienced a higher increase than the previous year, which was 132,222 people. Furthermore, in 2018 there were 134,476 people, specifically for the Lasolo Health Center work area. The number of active family planning based on monthly reports was recorded every year where in 2018 there were 1191 couples of childbearing age with family planning acceptors totaling 537 people where the population was 5171 people, in 2019 couples of childbearing age amounted to 1224 There are 439 people with family planning acceptors where the population is 5243 people and in 2020 there has been an increase with family planning acceptors totaling 578 people with PUS 1258 people and a population of 5417 people, in this case it is known that the increasing number of acceptors does not suppress population growth. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the family planning program in suppressing the population growth rate in North Konawe Regency, the type of research was quantitative. The study was conducted in Lasolo sub-district, North Konawe district in October - November 2021 with the results known that there is an effectiveness of the family planning program to suppress growth rates. population and it is known that there is no difference in the rate of population growth for 2019 and 2020.