The Impact Of State Regulations On Social Changes Futures As Cultural Spaces

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Zainuddin , Zainal Habib , Mibtadin , Rosidin , Arnis Rachmadhani , Umi Muzayanah , Siti Muawanah


The development of urbanization in Surakarta, which is not followed by land expansion, makes the availability of land for tombs reduced, minimal, and even unfit for burial places. The type of research is descriptive qualitative, and data collection is carried out: first, observation of community activities at the cemetery. Second, interviews with community leaders, religious leaders, policymakers; and third, documentation. The interactive analysis model includes data reduction, data submission, and concluding. Validity test by data triangulation and informant study. The results showed that the social change of the tomb was no longer a sacred place but became a public place. The management of graves regulated by the government and business institutions is changing. The term Public Cemetery has implications for the people of Surakarta City and its government. The tomb is a shared public space so that socially the grave is no longer a sacred space but is regulated by the state. The government provides equal access to its citizens regardless of religious differences and social status.

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