The Influence Of Covid19 Pandemic And E-Learning On Fifth Preparatory School Male/Literary Students’ Achievement In English Material In Al-Abassiya District In Najaf/Iraq

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Zaid Hussein Abdu-Sada


The current study aims at finding out “The Influence of Covid19 Pandemic and E-Learning on Fifth Preparatory School Male/Literary Students’ Achievement in English Material in Al-Abassiya District in Najaf/Iraq”. The researcher adopted the experimental design to state the shift in the achievement variable of these students. To attain the aim of the study, the researcher proposed the following null hypothesis:

  • There is no statistically significant difference in the achievement of fifth preparatory school students before and during the Pandemic and E-Learning at the level (0.05) between the mean scores of students in the finals before covid19 (2018-2019) and during covid19 (2019-2020) in English language final exam.

    To inquire this hypothesis, the researcher followed the experimental design with partial control, students pre-Covid19 are considered to be the control group, while students during Covid19 are considered to be the experimental group. The population includes all fifth preparatory school students in Al-Abassiya District, while the study sample includes fifth-grade students of Yaum Al-Ghadeer preparatory school.

The researcher follows few procedures by collecting data of the two years and analyzed these data to accomplish the goal of the study; a literature review and previous studies on covid19 pandemic and its relation to students’ achievement in English language, as well as stating a comparison between the final scores of the students before the pandemic (2018-2019) and during the pandemic (2019-2020) using statistical tools.

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