Dramatic Play Self-Help Skills Training For Learners With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders
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This research determined the effectives of dramatic play in teaching self-help skills to learners with ADHD in Cebu, Philippines. This study used an experimental design. The learner-participants with ADHD, enrolees in 3 SpEd centers in Cebu, were selected through purposive sampling technique in accordance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Necessary ethical standards and considerations were also upheld. The degree of behavior of the ADHD learners was measured using an adopted Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Teacher Rating Scale. While for the task analysis, where the pre-and-post scores or the level of self-help skills generated, an adopted Vineland rating sheet was utilized. Data collected was analyzed through weighted mean for the degree of behavior of the ADHD learners, and paired t-test for measuring the significant improvement of the learners after exposure to dramatic play teaching approach. Findings revealed that in terms of behavior’s extent, the learner-participants were inattentive; impulsive and hyperactive; less oppositional and less defiant; and less anxious. The learners’ pre-test scores ranged from beginning to developing. The post-test scores scaled from approaching proficiency, proficient, and advanced. The p. value of 0.000 of the three (3) self-help skills proved that there was a significant difference and improvement of the learners’ self-help skills performance after their exposure to dramatic play. Therefore, it was recommended that dramatic play be considered and used in teaching the ADHD learners the self-help skills.