Probing The Level of Teachers’ Change Antecedents Based On Different Dimensions

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Leinard M. Bangayan


The study probes on  teachers' change antecedents across different dimensions- Context, Process, and Outcome of Change. The said aspects established the study's foreground as it relates to antecedents or causes before, during, and after education system modifications. According to the researcher, this study will be pioneering in Cagayan State University because it is the first to examine pre-change factors, the stages or phases teachers went through during the change process, and the effects of these changes as viewed by students. The study was descriptive-correlational and comparative. It also determined the individuals' change antecedents in terms of pre-change (context), process, and outcomes. According to the study, Cagayan State University teachers’ used measures to mitigate the negative effects of system modifications. Teachers' low attitude regarding Pandemic change issues. The study indicated that although many teachers, especially those unfamiliar with using technology in teaching and who experienced fear, had a negative attitude about the outcome, many considered online distance learning as enriching and enlightening. The study found that teachers are aware of technology improvements but don't know how to use them for online distant learning. Lack of technical know-how, workload conflicts, and motivation affected the premise.

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