Visual Fatigue and Telework in University Staff: Case Study

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Edmundo Cabezas-Heredia, Fernando Molina-Granja, Jorge Delgado, Darwin Ruiz


The test applied to the teaching and administrative staff of the National University of Chimborazo shows that 9.9% are exposed from 2 to 4 hours as computer users and 90.1% for more than four hours, which causes fatigue and visual fatigue. The objective of this research is to determine the level of visual computer syndrome by applying the CVSS 17 test for exposure to computer use. The reliability of the instrument is 0.594 and the reliability is 0.931, which is good and very good, respectively. The results obtained from visual fatigue are: 47.7% are symptomatic and 52.3% are asymptomatic. The conclusions determined are the test determines the ocular and visual symptomatology between medium and high, which represents short-term damage to the ocular organ with serious problems for the health of the personnel. The presence of clinical alteration is associated with teleworking due to excessive computer use and inappropriate factors in the environment, as well as the Covid 19 pandemic, age, previous visual diseases that have worsened over time, and lack of prevention.

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