A Comparative Analysis Of Local Culture M-Government Application In MGFHSA Between Omani Citizens In The Public And Private Sectors

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Yahya Alwahaibi , Shamsul Arrieya Ariffin , Aslina Binti Saad , Salem Abdullah Garfan


Usability can refer to culturally relevant design rules or principles for the user interface of m-gov or mobile government applications. In recent years, the technological world has expanded dramatically. However, there is a lack of guidelines for incorporating local culture in the design of Information Communication Technology. This study aims to evaluate the local culture design in MGFHSA application using heuristic evaluation. A questionnaire based on four Heuristic Principle was distributed to 149 participants from the government sector and 100 participants from the private sector with total of 249 participants. Specifically, suitable content for local culture, aesthetic value according to local culture, the language use is for local culture, and the local philosophy has local culture value were evaluated. The results found that the end users’ heuristic evaluation for the all items was found at the high level with an overall mean of 3.81. The finding of this study will help the developers of m-government application and to consider the local culture aspect in their design.

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