The Role of Family Support on Self Efficacy Recovery Pregnant Women Confirmed Covid-19

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Wardani Diadjeng S, Putri Rismaina, Jannah Miftahul


Background: As much as 4.9% of Covid-19 sufferers are pregnant women. This shows that pregnant women are a vulnerable target group. One of the factors that affect the self-efficacy of recovery pregnant women with Covid-19 is family support. Family support is an important factor for the recovery of pregnant women. ). Pregnant women who have high self-efficacy will be more confident so they can withstand stress and anxiety which can affect the health of pregnant women and the fetus. The Aims of this study was to determine the role of family support in the self-efficacy of recovery pregnant women confirmed by Covid 19.

Subjects and Methods: The subjects of this study were 32 pregnant women who were confirmed covid-19 and their family members who lived in one house spread across the islands of Java and Kalimantan. Data collection used a scale of perceptions of family support (30 items, α = 0.806) and a self-efficacy scale (20 items, α = 0.832) which were tested on 18 covid-19 sufferers. Regression analysis was used to evaluate the data. The results show that there is rxy = 0.565 with p = 0.000 (p <0.05) which indicates a positive and significant relationship between family support and the self-efficacy of recovery pregnant women confirmed by Covid-19.

Conclusion: there is a significant relationship between family support in terms of emotional support, appreciation or assessment, informative and instrumental to the recovery of Covid-19 patients.

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