The Capability of Local Government for Development Planning Program in the Perspective of Collaborative Governance Based on The Aspirations and Interests of The Community: Case Study on Gorontalo Regency of Indonesia

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Abdullah Said, Franky Djafar, Sumartono, Choirul Saleh


This study aims to analyze and describe the role and ability of local governments in development planning program program in the perspective of collaborative governance based on the aspirations and interests of  the community. In a democratic government system, the existence and main function of the government are as a state administrative apparatus and a servant to the community. Every government policy must reflect the existence of partiality to the interests and aspirations of the community. In the context of development planning, it must show the existence of interest-based collaborative governance that accommodates the aspirations of the community, where the people are placed as the main actors in giving aspirations and receiving benefits in the development planning. Regional development planning is a guideline for the implementation of development as well as a measure of the success of the development. One of the important aspects for the success of development planning is the existence of a competent body or work unit, in this case, the Gorontalo Regency local government has delegated the task to the Regional Development Research and Development Planning Agency (RDPA), as the leading sector in regional development planning. This study uses a qualitative method based on a case study of the Gorontalo Regency Government of Indonesia. The results showed that the role and ability of the Gorontalo local government in planning development based on people's aspirations were still in a condition that was not yet optimal, both technically, administratively, conceptually, and in communication, so that people's aspirations could not be accommodated and managed properly.

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