Organizational Commitment Role In Moderating Marketing Internal And Organizational Climate Effect On Internal Customers’ Satisfaction And Loyalty Behavior To Strengthen Marketing Performance Of Indonesia Conventional Commercial Bank
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This research aims to analyze the moderating effect of Organizational Commitment in the effect of Marketing Internal and Organizational Climate on internal customers' satisfaction of Conventional Banking Industry and to test the effect of internal customers' satisfaction of Conventional Banking Industry on the loyalty behavior of internal customers that can bring about the marketing performance of Indonesia conventional bank. To address the research objectives, usable data from 570 respondent samples are from all internal customers’ responses (in all level of employees) of the seven (7) Indonesia conventional commercial banks (Bank Mandiri, BRI, BCA, BNI, Bank CIMB Niaga, Bank Panin, Bank Danamon). This number of the respondents was taken by implementing Non-Probability Sampling through Purposive Sampling technique having the criteria as the seven rank of the biggest asset within the head office in Jakarta. By Structural Equation Modelling Analysis, with AMOS application. The results show that Organizational Commitment affects the effect of Marketing Internal and Organizational Climate on internal customers’ satisfaction, and then the customers’ satisfaction has a positive significant influence on loyalty behavior. The loyalty behavior can positively significant affect marketing performance of Indonesia conventional banking industry increase. The managerial and theoretical contribution will be discussed more details further.