Digital Heritage Platform for Supporting of Phra That Phanom’s Nomination File in Thailand

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Tarawut Boonlua, Sutana Boonlua


Digital heritage is the new sort of presentation on cultural heritage, by using a lot of computer-based materials to generate the information for understanding on the context of urban environment digitally. The permanent value could be kept for future generations, and easily to access in many platforms. Digital heritage derives from different information including geography information, planning, design, and all 3D presentation together. As well as, the outcome of people participation could be maintained in the digital sense, and stakeholder could be understood on the master plan digitally in the same perspective. Moreover, digital materials could be used for enduring value, and requires active preservation approaches. This paper will explain the process of publication of Phra That Phanom’s master plan in digital dimension, from collecting geography data, and overall projects development together. The outcome of this paper has published on Universal Resource Locator (URL), for assessor and whom it may concern to access Phra That Phanom’s digital heritage.

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