Law Applicable To Damages Caused By Artificial Intelligence (Robots As A Model) (An Analytical Study)

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It is expected that the world in the future will witness a great control of artificial intelligence over all the details of life. The smart cities that are being talked about by multiple countries will mean posing challenges facing legal and judicial institutions arising from the advanced technologies used by humans, including with regard to determining the law that is applicable to The damage caused by the robot, which raises the importance of forming a perception about the problem of the applicable law when there is a foreign element in the legal relationship, where various elements overlap within the framework of non-traditional relationships, leading to the identification of the most relevant laws in the conflict. Until this moment, the legal personality of the robot has not been recognized. We had no choice but to adapt the texts of the Iraqi civil law for the purpose of addressing this problem, whether in terms of the robot’s civil responsibility or in terms of the applicable law.

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