Effectiveness of the Semiotic Strategy of Teaching English in Developing Speaking Skills among the Basic Stage Students

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K.A.Batayneh , H.G.Maabreh , alabdallah.Z , Dugalich.N.M , Lazareva.O.V , Kadilina.O.A


This study aimed at finding out the effectiveness of the semiotic strategy in English language in developing speaking skills among the basic stage students. The quasi-experimental design was used in this study by choosing randomly two groups: control group which studied by using the traditional way and experimental group which studied by using the semiotic strategy, the study sample was chosen intentionally from the tenth-grade students from Bent Addi Secondary School belonging to Al Jamea’a Directorate in Amman. The number of students in the total sample was (59) students who were distributed to (29) students for the experimental group, and (30) students for the control group. To achieve the study objectives test was developed, speaking skills test skills test. Also, the researcher verified the validity and the reliability of the tests. A guide to using semiotic strategy in teaching was prepared. The test was carried out on the sample. The results of the study showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the groups (experimental and control) on the texts in favor of experimental group. Thus, the semiotic strategy proved to be effective in improving speaking skills among basic stage students in English. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher presented a number of relevant recommendations.

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