Influenced of cobalt on Lentil (Lens culinari ) productivity

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Nadia Gad , Nayera.Y.Solieman


Two field tests were completed to assess specific periods of cobalt with various levels on the development, yield amount and nature of both and Common bean, Faba bean and Lentil plants.
The field tests were led at Research and Production Station, National Research Center, EL-Noubaria under trickle water system framework, in to progressive periods of 2019 and 2020. Analyses were directed to assess the impact of cobalt (4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 ppm) on lentil development, yield amount and its quality. The got results are showing that: Applying cobalt in focuses for lentil crop came about a critical expansion in the development, yield amount and quality contrasted and control. Cobalt at 8 ppm gave the best development, yield. Boundaries, minerals arrangement and synthetic constituents of Lentil. As cobalt level expanding in plant media over than 8 ppm, the ideal impact was diminished.

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