Social Construction of Integration in Multicultural Society in West Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province
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Generally, multicultural society tends to experience disintegration and conflict, but it is different with the people in Suka Damai Village, Muna Regency. Therefore, this study aims to find the process and typology of the construction of social integration in a multicultural society. This study uses the constructivism paradigm as a tradition of Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckman which is operated using a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The informants of this study were from the government, security, traditional shops, religious leaders, youth leaders, educators, and the community who were determined purposively. Data were obtained using participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that the process of social integration in a multicultural society includes three stages. First, externalization begins with the arrival of people from various regions and immediately makes adjustments that quickly form value agreements among ethnic and religious actors, youth actors, educator actors, and government actors. Second, objectivation is the institutionalization of the Suka Damai value into the name of the village and every individual and group from various ethnic groups and religions obeys it. Third, is internalization, where the new generation adapts to the values that have been instilled by its predecessors so that it becomes a product of a society that is socialized through family institutions, educational institutions, government institutions, religious institutions, and social institutions (internalization). The construction process confirms the existence of two patterns of social construction. First, the pattern of social cohesion, namely the integration that is built because of the element of equality in diversity. Second, the pattern of social adhesion, namely the integration that is built up due to differences in elements such as differences in ethnicity, religion, and occupation. This diversity builds bonds of a mutual need for each other, so that unity is always maintained.