Five Main Values of Character Education in Jaka Tingkir Folklore
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Literary works provide many uses for life. One of the benefits of literary works is the character education value. These values can be reflected in Jaka Tingkir folklore which is a wealth of Javanese literature and culture. This research aimed to describe the five main values of character education in Jaka Tingkir folklore. This research was a folklore approach. This research was conducted in Butuh, Gedongan, Plupuh, Sragen, Central Java, Indonesia. Data sources in this research consisted of two types. The caretaker of Jaka Tingkir's grave, kebayan in Gedongan, the Head of the Cultural Development Division at the Education and Culture Office of Sragen Regency, and the language teacher at the Vocational High School Plupuh 1 as primary data sources. The book Central Java Folklore Jaka Tingkir, novel epik Jaka Tingkir: Jalan Berliku Menjemput Wahyu, and other documents as secondary data sources. The data in this research were collected by interview. The analytical method used functional and document analysis. The results of this research are the five main values of character education in Jaka Tingkir folklore which consist of five values, namely religious, nationalist, gotong royong, independent, and integrity. These values are reflected in Jaka Tingkir as the main figure and side figures, such as Jaka Tingkir, Ki Ageng Banyubiru, Ki Kebokenanga, Sunan Kudus, Ki Wuragil, and forty crocodiles. The five values of character education are very much needed by humans in forming a good personality.