Development Of Counseling Model For Minority Student Adjustment At Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

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Nur'aini , Miswanto , Faridz Ravsamjani , Muhammad Ridwan


The aims of this research are to: (1) Develop a counseling model for minority students who have adjustment problems at Universitas Negeri Medan, (2) Produce a counseling model that is suitable for minority students who have adjustment problems at Unimed. Testing the feasibility of the Counseling model on experts and respondents. This research is a development (development research) using the ADDIE method (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The data collection method involved 8 counselors as well as validators, as well as 27 minority students at Universitas Negeri Medan. The data analysis technique used a feasibility study analysis of the group counseling model with a behavioristic approach to discussion techniques. The results of the needs analysis showed that, of the 27 minority student respondents who experienced adjustment problems on campus with medium and low categories as many as 18 people (66.66%), while those with high categories were 9 people (33.33%). Based on the aspect of self-adjustment, the results show that: (1) Personal adjustment problems as many as 21 people (77.77%), (2) Social adjustment problems as many as 18 people (66.66%), (3) Academic adjustment problems as many as 20 people (74.07%), (4) Institutional adjustment problems were 12 people (44.44%). The results of the feasibility study using the group counseling model with behavioristic approach, discussion technique shows that (1) personal adjustment is done by adding a behavioristic approach using shaping and modeling techniques. (2) additional socio-emotional adjustments are made, namely the behavioristic approach using transactional analysis techniques and Integrative Mode. As well as a humanistic approach with client centered techniques. (3) additional academic adjustments were made, namely with a behavioristic approach with homework assignment and CBT techniques and a humanistic approach with gestalt techniques, (4) additional institutional adjustments were made, namely with a humanistic approach with reality techniques and rational emotive therapy (RET).

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