A Cult In Tariqa Leadership

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Amir Maliki Abitolkha, Muhammad Fauzinudin Faiz


This study is a field research focusing on the data investigation about the implementation of tariqa with its various activities and practices, particularly the relationship pattern between the tariqa congregation and its murshid as a leadership node in the tariqa; which then the applied leadership model and the symptoms of cultism in the praxis of carried out leadership were found. In the former tariqa institutions, the cult (a religious practice) was assumed to influence the relationship pattern between the murshid and the congregation of the tariqa he led. This initiates a question on whether such cult phenomenon can still be found in tariqa groups in general today. This research proved that the cult in TQN Rejoso was more of a fanatical attitude (mahabbah), which was incidental and temporal, shown by the tariqa congregation as an appreciation for the leadership of the murshid, while still referring and adhering to adab suluk (speech etiquette) as well as the basic principles of congregation. This fanatical attitude or mahabbah did not cause excessive cabalistic and occult symptoms. Besides, the tariqa itself did not teach apocalyptic alarmism in practice.


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