Correlation Of Critical Thinking Ability, Reading Motivation, And Student's Writing Skills (Study On Learning To Write Observation Reports In Sengkang District Junior High School)

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Nurcaya , Imam Suyitno , Imam Agus Basuki , Nurhadi


This study aims to determine the relationship between: (1) critical thinking skills and observation report writing skills, (2) reading motivation and observation report writing skills, (3) critical thinking skills and reading motivation together with observation report writing skills. . This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 8 Sengkang, SMP Negeri 14 Sengkang, and SMP Negeri 16 Sengkang. The research method used is a correlational survey method. The population of this study were all students of class VIII SMP Negeri Sengkang. A sample of 170 people was taken by means of Cluster Random Sampling. The instruments for collecting data were a test of writing observation report skills, a test of critical thinking skills, and a reading motivation questionnaire. The analysis technique used is statistical regression and correlation (simple and multiple). The results of the analysis show that: (1) there is a positive relationship between critical thinking skills and writing observational report skills (ry1 = 0.39 at the level of significance = 0.05 with N = 170, rt = 0.1497, and t1 = 5, 42 tt = 1.645); (2) there is a positive relationship between reading motivation and observational report writing skills (ry2 = 0.15 at the level of significance = 0.05 with N = 170, rt = 0.1497, and t1 = 1.99 tt = 1.645) ; (3) there is a positive relationship between critical thinking ability and reading motivation together with writing observation report skills (Ry12 = 0.41 at the significance level = 0.05 with N = 170, Rt = 0.1497, and F0 = 16.50 F1 = 3.0532). Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that together critical thinking skills and reading motivation contributed significantly (16.81%) to the skill of writing observation reports. This shows that these two variables can be good predictors of observation report writing skills.

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