Moslempreneurship: Nurturing the entrepreneurial behaviour of Islamic Boarding School students in Indonesia

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The research background is based on the unique charasteristics of research site and their importance concern to entrepreneurial behavior of moslem entrepreneurs in Indonesia. The research background directing to a question what are their perception of entrepreneurial behavior meaning? What entrepreneurial behavior needed according to pesantren’s perspective.
Reasearch setting in Riyadlul Jannah Islamic Boarding School (so called pesantren) Indonesia for their uniqueness which is integration concept between Islam and entrepreneurship, public transparancy, operational independency, and national role. Hence the research design is single case study and participant observation is choosen to collect data. The key informants decided purposively which is the head of pesantren (so called Kyai), continued by snowball method to reach the purpose of study based on data from informants.
The findings of this study show the pesantren's perception that the meaning of entrepreneurial behavior is amal shaleh (pious action) of entrepreneurship that are framed with al akhlaq al kareemah (nobel morals). Al akhlaq al kareemah is principals in Al-Qur’an that represented by the behavior of The Prophet Muhammad pbuh.The entrepreneurial behavior of pesantren consists of 21 amal shaleh which are grouped into personal behavior, social behavior and spiritual behavior. Personal behavior consists of 12 amal shaleh, namely professional, tough, good prejudice, hard work, smart work, modest lifestyle, independent, responsive, enthusiastic, efficient, saving and willing to learn continuously; social behavior consists of 6 amal shaleh, namely generous, compassionate, cooperative, respecting business colleagues, developing spouse support and nurturing the spirit of nationalism and spiritual behavior consists of 3 amal shaleh, namely zuhud, wara’ and tawakkal after ijtihad.

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