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Rakhmatova Sunbula, Djabbarova Sitora Bakhodurovna, Nuraliyeva Ozoda Norboyevna, Sherbekova Yulduz Zokir kizi, Matyakubova Shakhnoza Ilkhombekovna


This article provides information on the importance of the English language and its role in the world. This article also explains the importance of English in the field of medicine, first of all, along with the stages of becoming a doctor, and through many methods on how to learn English quickly and easily in medical institutions. At the end of the article, the importance of the English language in any field, especially in medicine, is given with specific examples. One thing is for sure, learning every language leads to certain challenges. This is because learning a language that a person does not speak brings a certain amount of difficulty to each student. English is no exception. Today, English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Information will be provided on new equipment and technologies in all areas, including medicine. This shows how relevant the English language is. The Covid-19 virus, which was detected in 2019 and spread rapidly around the world, was an important signal for the unification of the entire world, especially medical professionals. It showed the relevance of language learning. This article provides information on methods to help you learn English faster.

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