The Role of Metaphor in the System of Stylistic Methods

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Samadova Sevar Akhatovna, Mirzayeva Mukhayyo Ruziyevna, Bahranova Zulfiya Ravshanovna, Sayidova Shakhrizoda Nasrulloyevna


It is well known that in stylistics, metaphor reflects the relationship between subject-logical meaning and contextual meaning based on the similarity of the two conceptual features. Metaphor is often seen as a covert analogy, that is, it is done by applying one object to another, thereby revealing an important feature of the second object.

Metaphor, one of the most widely used and encountered tropes in speech, is considered by many linguists to be the most important tool. Metaphor is so peculiar to poetic language that the word itself is sometimes used as a synonym for the imagery of speech, the words in the metaphor have a figurative meaning rather than a direct one. Metaphorical language often means “sign” or “figurative” language.

This article also discusses the practical application of metaphor, stylistic methods and metaphorical features of metaphor.

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